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Nick Catford - Radio Jackie
In this episode I talk to Land-Based Pirate Radio legend and founder of Radio Jackie, Nick Catford, (or Michael Knight if you prefer). We chat about the early days, th...

Latest Episodes
Arnold Levine - Radio Concord, Dynamite 235
In this new episode I’m talking to Arnold Lavine from 1970’s station Radio Concord. We chat about how Concord started, and, how it went on to be the radical voice of t...

1984 Offshore Documentary with Lawrie Hallett
This time we have been given permission by Lawrie Hallett to play out his other pirate documentary. You may remember episode 21 where he talked to some of the London L...

Ian Harling - Radio Cavendish (SW), South Coast Radio (MW & FM)
This week we are again outside London. We're off to the south coast with Ian Harling from Radio Cavendish and South Coast Radio among others. Here how they smuggled a...

Chris Cooper - Empire Radio (SW), EST (Birmingham), Voice of Peace and Radio Caroline
This time I chat to Chris Cooper from Birmingham. He was one of the people behind Empire Radio, the short wave pirate, then went on to found the Birmingham FM pirate E...

1984 Land Based Pirate Documentary with Lawrie Hallett
Something a little different this week. Lawrie Hallett has given us a documentary he made for LBC in 1984. It was never broadcast by them because of the lawyers, but y...